About MCAP-CR patent
I have been disclosing every detail of information of multiple-degree of freedom cavity resonator theory and applications since I applied patent to Japanese patent office. Now my friends became to use loudspeaker systems of MCAP-CR applications. I have just a few inquiries about commercial use of the patent. One was Dream SounD in France. I helped him to develop his multiple degree of freedom models for free. I wanted many people to listen to the multiple-degree of freedom cavity resonator system. It interests me more than small money by the patent. I was really sorry to have heard of his death with cancer. It shocked me a lot. I would like manufacturers to use my models and software for their development. And I would them to tell me that they would like to use it for commercial purpose. I believe multiple-degree of cavity resonator system, especially MCAP-CR, solves the biggest problems of single degree of freedom standard bass-refrex systems You now get improved re